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Mediumship: Is It Wrong To Communicate With The Dead?

Writer's picture: Kaila AllenKaila Allen
psychic mediumship

Mediumship, also known as communicating with spirits, has a bad reputation largely due to some religious beliefs and a handful of some not so great mediums in the world. As a deconstructed Christian who followed Christianity for 31 years until God Himself shook me awake and showed me how messed up religion is, I feel it heavy on my heart to share the things I've come to understand about psychic mediumship and why I embrace my spiritual gifts.

As a psychic medium living in the deep South, I've heard it all. "You're talking to demons!" "You're doing witchcraft!" "You're Satan's mistress!" "You're leading people to Hell!"

Today, I'd like to share the positive things I've learned through mediumship as someone who did not seek these gifts out but was born with these abilities. People are quick to condemn mediums either because of what the Bible says about mediums and how it's interpreted (INTERPRETATION IS KEY), or because of charlatans and scammers who have given legitimate mediums a really bad stigma. Let's change the narrative for once and explore why mediumship is okay.

No one is actually dead. There are a few Scriptures repeatedly thrown in my face about mediumship and 1 Samuel 28 is one of them. It's used to say that those who have died shouldn't be disturbed. But let's examine it a bit further. In that Scripture, Saul consults a medium to bring up Samuel who was a seer and prophet held in high regard in his time before he had passed. He had predicted that David would take the land from Saul, and when that happened, Saul wanted to know what was going to happen next. Saul had actually condemned spiritists and mediums and cleared the land of them but he knew of this one he had allowed to live in Endor. When he visited her and called Samuel forward, Samuel basically asked him why he was disturbing him by bringing him up. It's important to understand that Samuel isn't irritated to be consulted in his "death." He's aggravated that Saul is coming to him when he didn't listen to him the first time, and didn't listen to God and has now lost God's favor. Samuel confirms this in verse 16 when he says "Why do you consult me now that the Lord has turned away from you and become your enemy?" He's not mad about communicating beyond the grave. He's mad at Saul for being Saul and disobeying God. Beings on the Other Side aren't dead or even sleeping. Those are physical things the BODY experiences, but the SOUL roams free in the spiritual realm. In visions I've had, I've seen entire lives lived on the Other Side where we have roles and exist in different realms. Mediumship isn't disturbing the dead because only BODIES die. In fact, souls love to pop in for a visit. I can't tell you how many readings I've done when I ask to connect with a specific loved one and all these extras relatives run forward. They LOVE to communicate with us and they get so excited when I can speak for them.

Mediums who work in the light aren't communicating with demonic beings. Everything in the Universe exists as energy. Energy vibrates at different frequencies which is a scientific fact. The frequency a being is vibrating on determines the access it has to other frequencies. Churches have built so much fear into people by making them believe that Satan and demons can parade as beings of light and therefore lead us astray. And while they CAN deceive people, what they can't do is hide their energy. For those of us who are in tune with our psychic senses, we can feel energy coming from everything, but especially cognizant beings. Demons are about the lowest frequency you can interact with. They feel so dark, so gutturally damned that all you experience when you feel them in your field is fear, guilt, and a sense of being condemned. A true psychic medium can't be tricked by a being on that low of a frequency because at the very least they will feel terrified and full of anxiety, at the most it will be almost painful to be around its energy. For psychic mediums who only work in the light and call in protections from God and the angels, demonic beings aren't even allowed to enter our space. For those of us who see demonic spirits for what they are, we exist at such a high frequency that it prevents demonic entities from even accessing us without our permission. And I hate to break it to you, but fear is what gives them permission to access your energy. Now I have come across psychic mediums online who walked away from mediumship and said they found Jesus and that the whole time they did their mediumship work they felt so much anxiety. The reason for this is because some psychic mediums don't work with God. There are both ends of the spectrum when it comes to WHO is channeling these beings. Just as there are scammers and fakes, there are also genuine psychic mediums who don't protect themselves or work in the light. When they don't set up protections and don't set intentions on who and what they'll speak to, YES demonic beings can come through and deceive them. It's practically an invitation for them to. Mediumship isn't the problem. It's not the tarot cards or the pendulums fault either. It's the psychic medium not doing their due diligence to protect themselves, their clients, and ensure the clarity of the messages coming through. In the beginning when my gifts first blossomed and I hadn't learned how to put up protections for myself, I was attacked by both demons and lower level spirits for several months at a time. I couldn't find peace. I was always on edge. They wanted to scare me so they'd continue having access to my energy and it worked. I wasn't even doing readings as I wasn't aware of my gifts, I just saw them and felt them as they tried to break me down. However, I haven't felt fear once since I learned to shut out the random beings that tried to enter my field without my permission. I always know who and what I'm talking to now.

Mediumship is incredibly healing on both sides. God doesn't give us gifts for us to shy away from them. In everything He does, there is purpose. I was given the ability to communicate with beings in the spiritual realm for a reason and I've seen the reason time and time again. When those of us in the physical plane have a loved one cross over it can be detrimental to our health. Many people get so stuck in their grief that they become a shell of themselves. Some of them believe untruths about the way in which thier loved one passed, or they deal with massive guilt and regrets about unresolved arguments between them and the deceased. By channeling their loved ones I'm able to see what their loved one is up to, channel messages between them and their loved one, and help them forgive themselves or the passed soul so they can find peace. I've channeled many loved ones who passed by suicide and I've been able to reassure all of their loved ones that their family member is perfectly fine and not burning in Hell like religion likes to threaten. I've been able to reassure them that their loved ones sins didn't condemn them to Hell, but also to pass along messages of regret from their loved one about the beliefs they held in life. When we cross to the Other Side, a lot of realizations occur that help us see the error of our human ways. Many loved ones want to let you know that they get it now and want to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Channeling those who have passed has only ever been healing for my clients, and I'm grateful I get to be the bridge and the mouthpiece between the physical and spiritual realms.

Demons aren't the source of mediumship abilities. Another Scripture that gets thrown in my face a lot is Acts 16:16-18 where Paul casts a fortune telling demon out of a girl and she can no longer tell the future. For whatever reason, Christians read that Scripture and immediately assume that the only way psychic mediums can connect to the spiritual world is by way of demonic possession. That's the most backwards thinking I've ever witnessed. For the same people who spew "demons parade as Light" they don't seem to recognize this verse being exactly that scenario. The best way to discourage people from a beautiful gift like mediumship is to make them fear that their abilities come from a demon. Wouldn't the Devil benefit the most from making people fear mediumship so they disconnect themselves from the spiritual realm and get stuck in their humanity and grief, completely cut off from all spiritual guidance from the spirit realm? Demons can possess people and pretend to behave like the light by imitating spiritual gifts like prophesy and channeling, but not every psychic medium is a medium because of demonic possession. In fact, it's incredibly rare. Saying psychic mediumship is only demonic possession is like saying that all racoons are rabid when only a select few racoons actually have rabies. Similarly, all humans have the ability to access their spiritual communication senses with practice and it doesn't require demonic possession to do so. Beyond that, remember Samuel from above, the one who was "dragged up from the ground"? Samuel in life was a PROPHET and a SEER, meaning he predicted things that would occur in the future. No one bats an eye at that because his gift of prophesy comes from God. But there are plenty of psychic mediums who channel messages and prophesies from God too. In fact, most of us put up protection before channeling, meaning our messages only come from good places and have good intentions. Samuel wasn't condemned for his gifts, nor was the spiritist that Saul consulted to connect with Samuel because mediumship itself is not the problem.

Mediumship is a blessing. It's my hope that this blog post sheds light on why mediumship isn't some dark, creepy thing that should be avoided or your soul be damned. Mediumship should be embraced and treated with care as a gift to humanity because it helps us connect to our souls, our own divinity. There is so much more to life than this three dimensional world we exist in and yet we allow it to become our sole identity and forget who we really are at the core- a spirit.

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