Divine Source Healing
Access the healing power of source to address pain and blockages in your energetic system and activate your Spiritual gifts
What occurs in a divine source healing session?
Divine Source Healing integrates various reiki modalities, intuitive etheric activations, and light language to facilitate profound healing, balance, and restoration. Guided by Christ, I work to activate your innate gifts and abilities while healing specific areas of your chakra and auric system through Christ reiki. Experience an even deeper level of healing with the transformative power of light language sounds that aim to remove negative energies, imbue high vibrational energies, and calibrate your physiology for healing. As I work in your energy field, Spirit-inspired insights help me understand more about what you're experiencing and how to navigate any hardships, ailments, and blockages.
It's not me doing the healing, but rather using my body to channel Christ healing and light language through my body into yours for a level of healing not commonly seen in today's world.
Understanding The Components
Of Divine Source Healing

What Is Reiki?
A free flowing energetic system is the key to successfully processing your emotions.
Reiki healing is done by channeling life force energy through my chakra system and into yours. Everyone has an energetic system made up of their auric field and chakras. Over time, negative experiences and emotions can clog or even fully block our chakras. When this happens, we struggle to process and release our emotions, and we may experience emotional struggles and eventually physical pain. Reiki clears and balances all of the chakras and cleanses the aura so you are fully tuned up and functioning properly.
Each chakra represents a different area of our life. The root chakra is in charge of our ability to feel safe and secure, and it gets blocked by fear. The sacral chakra is responsible for our sexuality and creative flow and gets blocked by guilt. The solar plexus chakra handles our willpower and drive and gets blocked by shame. Your heart chakra, which is responsible for how you process emotional situations, gets blocked by grief, making it hard for you to move on from painful and traumatic experiences. Your throat chakra which harnesses your ability to speak up for yourself and confront negative situations gets blocked by lies, whether through negative self-talk or internalized lies from others. The third eye chakra is responsible for your intuition and reasoning and gets blocked by illusion. A blocked third eye makes it impossible to trust your intuition and connect with your spirit team. And finally your crown chakra, which is responsible for your spirituality and connection with the Divine, gets blocked by by earthly attachments like money, jobs, physical illnesses, and relationships to people.
Blocked chakras can present as physical ailments like chest pain, headaches, back aches, nausea, sore throat, depression, anxiety, and more. I typically recommend three sessions for a full clearing, but you will notice a difference usually after just one session.
Since I'm working with your energy field, I'm able to do energy healing long-distance. Your session will be held over Zoom as I connect with your spiritual team to see what needs addressing and then proceed with the energy clearing. I highly recommend doing a few reiki sessions especially if you're doing trauma-informed healing sessions too as it can expedite the process.
What Is Light Language?
Light language is the language of the soul that transcends all language barriers and speaks beyond what the brain can understand.
Light language, recognized by religion as "speaking in tongues," is a Spirit-led language that serves different purposes. I receive light language in the moment as I'm doing Christ reiki, and I've noticed three different types of light language have come through thus far. Sometimes when I'm doing reiki, I will notice a dark energy in their field. When that occurs, a short, clipped, and aggressive light language comes through and banishes these energies. At another time, I was told to place my hands a certain way and channel light language, and a slow, methodical light language came through and was removing physical illness from the body. The final type of light language I've experienced was a light, airy, birdsong type of light language and it was raising the vibration of the person I was working on to restore peace and balance to their system.
I never know what I'm saying. I just allow God to lead me and trust that His words are more effective than mine. It's a beautiful experience all around and leads to a much deeper energy healing session.
What Do You Mean By "Activations?"
You have innate gifts and abilities in the spiritual realm and sometimes God wants to give you a little push and some extra spiritual protection for your soul purpose in this lifetime.
Sometimes when I'm in someone's energy field, God will lead me to do some sort of activation for them that will advance them on their spiritual journey. This is not something I am choosing, nor is it something the client selects- it is PURELY God-given. As an example, while working on someone I was guided to activate their etheric wings so that they would have an extra layer of protection and some new spiritual abilities. Whenever this occurs, I always ask the client if they'd like to receive what God is offering them first. Consent is very important, but having beautiful activations bestowed upon you is an honor and one I choose to follow myself. These activations usually occur when you're ready to upgrade your spiritual calling and step into a new vibrational frequency altogether. Following the activation, you may experience some changes internally and externally as you adjust, but everything is always for your greatest and highest good.

Soul Retrievals:
Fragments Throughout Time
What Is A Soul Retrieval?
Sometimes souls experience such horrendous pain, that a piece or multiple pieces of their souls fragment in an attempt to preserve the bodies stability. In losing that piece of their soul, they may lose memories, emotions, and even components of their personality.
Soul retrieval is the process of seeking out the fragments of your soul across time and space and bringing them back to your current body, helping them to reintegrate for total healing mind, body, and soul. Every soul retrieval experience is completely different and intuitively guided.
Some symptoms of soul loss may include:
feeling incomplete
having an inner void
suicidal tendencies
feeling loss of self connection
post traumatic stress disorder
loss of interest in hobbies
lack of self-confidence
inability to move forward and make positive changes in life
loss of memory, inability to remember parts of life
chronic anxiety
lack of energy and motivation
inability to give or receive love
problems with the immune system
dysfunctional relationships
Having these symptoms usually points to a fragmented soul essence that needs reintegration in order to be able to heal and fully function. It does take time for the reintegration to occur, but once the reintegration settles in, you'll notice it's easier to face past traumas, heal emotional wounds, and overcome any blockages related to them.
How Does A Session Go?
Every session is completely unique. However each session's structure begins with going deep into a meditative state, then exploring your energetic body and the fragmented pieces, and finally doing my best to help them return to you. You may feel something right away, or it could take a while. But eventually you'll find some of these wounds and patterns are capable of being healed now that your soul fragment has fully returned to you. You will have time before the session to ask me questions and after the session to walk through the experience and any emotions that come up. We may retrieve just one soul fragment or multiple. I do as I'm guided so as not to overload your nervous system. Upon booking, I'll send you an email with some ways to prepare beforehand and after your session I'll send you notes to help with your reintegration.
Book a chemistry call if you have specific questions about soul retrievals. I'm happy to answer anything beforehand.