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The Importance of Embracing Your Divine Feminine Energy

Writer's picture: Kaila AllenKaila Allen

divine feminine and divine masculine

There is a theme of light and darkness woven throughout every existence in the world, a delicate balance in all things like the sun and the moon, the heavens and the Earth, yin and yang, and the masculine and feminine energies. This balance is witnessed in all living creatures, but can be especially noticed in the animal kingdom with the lions leading the pack, protecting from predators, while the lionesses guard the cubs and hunt food for the pride. Male birds do elaborate dances to woo their lady bird friend, male penguins hunt for beautiful rocks with which to claim their female mate, and the females sit back and pick the best mate of their choosing.

Within each of us there is masculine and feminine energy and we must navigate balancing it well, women staying in their creative power without being a masculine driving force. Men leading, protecting, and chasing, and still being vulnerable without becoming lazy and selfish. When these two energies are balanced well, a person enters into their divine energy, becoming the highest version of themselves. And when a divine masculine and divine feminine come together, a special type of magic happens.

divine feminine and divine masculine

A man in his divine masculine is the driving force, the provider and protector, the structure that the divine feminine needs to relax into her gifts. A divine feminine is a creator and whatever the divine masculine brings to her, she multiplies. She brings emotional healing and empowerment to the divine masculine, making the pair of them an unstoppable duo. However, when the energies are unbalanced, if the masculine brings home stress and doubt and anxiety to the feminine, those are the things she will multiply, creating an unstable environment for both.

In today's society, far too many men have fallen into their wounded masculine, forcing women to be in their wounded feminine energy. This looks like women who are triggered easily, distrustful, and overthinkers. They crave affection so badly they end up chasing it in men who don't reciprocate it and just use them. These women ignore their intuitions and people-please just to feel the high of attention, exchanging their bodies to fill an emotional void. Men in their wounded masculine love beings the runners and avoidants, refusing vulnerbaility with the excuse that it's weakness. They're selfish, aggressive, and withdrawn emotionally creating an anxious-avoidant dynamic with the feminines.

Or, on the flipside, the feminines deal with men who are also in their feminine energy, men who don't lead, provide, or assist around the home, thus forcing the feminines to step up and lead. A feminine being pushed into her masculine energy creates hyperindepence, dominance, and manipulation to get their needs met. This burns the feminines out and leads to bitterness, emotional wall building, and resentment.

Men, like it or not, are the leaders, meaning they set the tone. In order for the feminine to be a loving, giving partner, the masculine must create a space for her to do so. He must give her safety, both physically and emotionally. He must provide for her and allow her to create. He must chase and allow her to attract. When a feminine finds these qualities in a masculine, she's able to heal and become the best version of herself, which then heals him and allows him to become the best version of himself.

You may think this sounds like a lot of responsibility for the masculines, and while they do have to start this divine journey, the woman in her divine feminine will shoulder the burdens in her own way until the relationship between them flows easily for both. The divine counterpart relationship is a give and take, which might feel like more work for the masculines who are used to being in their feminine energy, taking without regard for their feminine's energy depletion. But for the masculines who enjoy allowing women to be in their feminine, they have seen the beauty that comes with a divine feminine and how she lights up the world around her when she is at her best.

Now for my feminines out here, it's crucial that we don't wait for the men to step into their divine masculine energy. It's our job to heal ourselves and step into our divine feminine energy first to draw the divine masculine out of these men. We are the inspiration, the muse, that awakens the dormant divine masculine energy in men. By refusing to chase their affection, honoring our own needs and boundaries, walking through the world with a confidence that conveys we know our place in it: we challenge the masculines to shift into their divine masculine energy and be our counterparts.

Many times an encounter with a divine feminine will cause an awakening in a masculine, triggering that dormant divine energy to rise up. A man might meet a divine feminine and notice his world immediately begins to fall to shreds. This is a sign to lean into the winds of change and follow her lead to a higher timeline. Everything that doesn't align with the wounded energy he's in will be removed so he can step into the divine masculine energy and be her counterpart. Trying to stay where he is and ignoring the call will become increasingly more painful for him, much like trying to wear the same clothes after you've gained weight. The old life and energy will no longer fit.

If the feminine has the strength to step into her divine feminine energy, and the masculine has the courage to leave behind his old life for the divine masculine energy, a beautiful synergy is created. The two divine counterparts manifest abundance with ease, creating a heavenly relationship that, even though it has its own set of challenges, flows easily and effortlessly. The divine feminine will attract in opportunities from their highest timeline that the divine masculine can conquer. The divine feminine will submit to the divine masculine with full trust that what he pursues is in the best interest of both of them. They will engage in open and clear communication that creates a safe space for vulnerability and a breeding ground for trust. The divine feminine will recharge and heal his energy through her body and presence, gifting him with the resources he needs to take inspired action. He grounds her in the physical, while she is his connection to the spiritual.

divine feminine and divine masculine

This world is heading in a direction that is so toxic and broken that it's triggering divine feminine's to wake up and embrace their divine energy. If you're a masculine and you meet a divine feminine who shakes your world, be bold and brave enough to follow her. Not only is it your destiny, but it will be the most healing and fulfilling relationship you'll ever encounter. She won't chase you, and you might never find another like her, but rest assured if you don't rise to the challenge, another masculine will.

It's time to embrace your divine energy and create heaven on Earth.

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