Did you know that everyone can tap into their psychic abilities and perceive the spiritual world around them? As children, our third eyes (located right between our other two) are naturally open to the spiritual realm. Around the age of twelve or so it begins to close off due to traumatic experiences, emotional dysregulation, and societal conditioning. For some, we start to reopen it throughout our journey and for others, it never closes. So how do you know if you're already using your psychic abilities?
psychic abilities
Here's 11 signs that you're tapping into your intuition:
You get strong gut feelings.
As you're walking down the street you may feel like someone is following you or something is going to happen. Some may believe this to be anxiety, but if you're not an anxious person, you could be sensing something energetically. It's important to lean into these moments of intuition because not only could it protect you in a moment of danger, but it will help bring about more intutive insights. Your intuition is like a muscle- use it or lose it!
You experience downloads, sudden bursts of knowledge, from somewhere.
Perhaps someone close to you is very sick but you just know they're going to recover. And then within a few weeks they miraculously do. You may have some sudden understanding about ancient history that you can't confirm easily. Or you might just inherently understand quantum physics despite having never studied it. These are downloads of info from Spirit referred to as claircognizance.
You're seeing shadows move out of the corner of your eye or hearing noises.
Anyone can experience paranormal activity from time to time, but when you're a psychic you tend to attract that activity because they recognize you have abilities and they want to be acknowledged. This is when protection comes in handy. Learning to sage, grabbing some tourmaline from your home, and saying a few prayers or blessings can go a long way.
You see repeating numbers, animals, and messages.
Everywhere you go you see 333. The clock is always on 11:11. You witness a butterfly every time you step outside, even when it's not the season for them. These are synchronicities and a very common way for our spirit teams to grab our attention through our intuitive gifts. Pay attention to what's happening when you see this and look up the number meanings. You just might get som helpful insights from your team.
You have crazy, vivid dreams and you may even be able to control them.
Some of your dreams might even come true or the symbology in a dream will be repetitive. Meditating on these situations can help you understand what the dream symbols mean. If you can learn to control your dreams you can even travel the astral realms at some point. I've noticed as I tap into my gifts it becomes harder to remember my dreams, but any symbols from my team will stick out and be unforgettable. Try writing your dreams down!
People are naturally drawn to you for advice and comfort.
As a psychic, you always have the answers and people realize that about you. You may find that you're the "free therapy" friend who helps everyone. Your energy comforts people and draws them in. It's a wonderful gift but make sure you don't just give in relationships. You need to receive love, comfort, and guidance too.
You're obsessed with supernatural topics.
You read all the spirituality books, have signed up to learn reiki, own way too many tarot decks even if you can't read tarot, and love going crystal shopping! This stuff fascinates you and you feel there is a reason why, but you struggle to connect with it. What are you most drawn to? The things we find the most fascinating, or that even scare us, can often be a clue for us to try out and see if we have knack for it.
You're a human lie detector.
You can smell the bullshit from a mile away. No one is able to manipulate, gaslight, or pull a fast one over on you. You believe you're good at reading body language, but you might actually be feeling someone's energy and picking up on their thoughts! Make sure you don't allow your own insecurities and anxieties to influence what you pick up. Always shield yourself before reading into another's energy.
Being around people you don't know well is draining.
You used to love the club and bar scene, but now you can't go without feeling overstimulated. You avoid answering the phone as much as possible and you stay home on the weekends. Certain people seem to drain your energy even more. You're becoming aware of the energetic exchange between you and others. Learning to ground and shield is very important for empathic and psychic people.
You notice a certain coloring around people, pets, or plants.
Everything on Earth has an auric field which is it's energetic vibration and some gifted psychics are able to see this energy as a color. There are different meanings to the colors that can inform a psychic about who the person is and what they're intentions are. Some people may have several colors in their aura and they can change from time to time. Psychics have a lot of pink and green.
You know when someone is meant for you.
You feel connected to someone as soon as you meet them and they end up playing an important role in your life. Many psychics can sense people they've known in other lives or even sniff out their soulmates. If you feel pulled to someone it could be that they're meant to be in your life or that you're called to help them in some way.
Are you psychic?
If you have experienced several of these signs, then congratulations, you're starting to develop your psychic abilities whether you realize it or not! There are many books and online resources to help develop your gifts, depending on your preferred learning method. I personally invested in an online session with a spiritual teacher. Practice makes perfect, so try, try, try.